Tuesday February 21st, RHBA members and their guests gathered at D’Mangu Restaurant for the first of the Business Lunch Series, an event that will take place the third lunch of the month.
Gathered around the table, we enjoyed of a very lively discussion about the use of mobile technology by retail businesses, in particular the new Google Wallet service. Our lunch guests Hiram Hernández Jr. and Hiram Hernandez Sr. from First Capital Payments explain interesting facts about the size of the market, the security of the service, how it works and more.
Daisy Rivera-Algarin, from the Economic Development Department of the City of Rochester, commented how this information would be useful for her
, helping her to have a better understanding of this type of expenses when working on loans for small businesses.
We are very pleased with the response we had and we are looking forward to next month lunch. Check out below some images we took that day.
Don’t forget: Mark your calendar for Tuesday March 20th from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm. For our next business lunch in March award winning reporter Annette Jiménez from El Mensajero Católico will be joining us at Monte Albán Mexican Grill, at their Irondequoit location.
Call Michele Hefferon to reserve your seat at (585) 256.4614.
Let’s get together for lunch!
Click here for details about this event.
Photos by Kelly T. Mullaney, Working Art Media