Thank you for your interest in joining the Rochester Hispanic Business Association (RHBA). We invite you to become a member and contribute to the organization’s growth and enhancing the presence of Hispanic businesses and professionals in the community.
All RHBA members enjoy the following general benefits:
- Your name and business affiliation is posted in the online Members Directory of the association’s website.
- Appear in the homepage in the Members in the News section of the association’s website, for promotions, awards, appointments and any other special news.
- Opportunity to be included in the Member Highlights, a monthly section where we highlight one of our current members.
- A link to your business or organization website is added whenever it is referenced in the Members in the News and Members Highlights, driving quality online traffic to your website.
- Opportunity to network and interact with Hispanic professionals and business owners of the Rochester area during several networking events during the year, including a Spring Networking Event, Hispanic Business Person of the Year luncheon, the Holiday Reception in December, and other events that the RHBA sponsors or promotes during the year, with a member’s discount.
- Your membership supports the RHBA mission to increase the visibility of Hispanic professionals and business owners in the community.
Membership Levels
We offer three levels of membership:
Basic Membership $40.00
This is an entry level membership, very affordable, ideal for students, start-up businesses and individuals.
Enhanced Full Membership $75.00
In addition to the general benefits listed above, this membership level gives you extra features on our website that help enhance your online presence, plus additional discounts to events:
- A link to your business or organization website is added in the Member Directory, driving quality online traffic to your website.
- Your company logo (also with a link to your website) is displayed in the directory for added visibility (Please email your logo in either of these formats: jpg, gif, png, pdf, psd, eps to hola@RochesterHBA.com)
Corporate Membership $150
In addition to the enhanced benefits listed above, this membership includes benefits for your business:
- All employees can participate at events as members.
- Corporation will have one vote on Association matters.
As you know, every organization’s success is directly linked to the participation and talent of its members. We hope you will join us and bring with you your energy, experience, desire, and most of all your friendship — all necessary attributes to help achieve our mission.
If you are a member, we encourage you to become active in our Association. There are many opportunities to participate, including event organization, membership support, marketing, and others. Email us at hola@RochesterHBA.org for more details.
Our Board meets the first Thursday of the month, except in January and August, at 8:00 am at LaBella, 300 State Street, Suite 200.