Listening to Dr. Emeterio Otero talk during one of his presentations is always very inspiring and engaging. Having lunch with him is even better.
During our business lunch conversation, Dr. Otero shared with us the reasons behind the decision of the MCC board to pursue the Kodak campus for the Damon City Campus, the assessment in identifying the possible sites, the fiscal responsibility with the community and the focus on the needs of MCC students.
He also talked about the challenge MCC has taken to collaborate with regional workforce to develop a robust career pathway for people who decide to take the Middle Skills Training (Middle Skills occupations are those requiring less than a 4-year degree but greater than a High School Diploma).
We had also an interesting chat on the characteristics of the Latino community and how that affects the opportunities for Latino students to pursue their education after finishing High School.
Click here for details about this event.
hotos by Kelly T. Mullaney, Working Art Media.