Last evening we had the pleasure to attend one of the lectures author Luis Alberto Urrea is giving about his latest book: Into the Beautiful North during his visit to Rochester. This event took place at the auditorium of the Penfield Public Library and is part of Writers and Book’s 2013 program “If Rochester Read the Same Book”. The Rochester Hispanic Business Association is proud to be the Table of Content sponsor of this year’s author.

It was a real treat to listen to Mr. Urrea’s childhood stories, explaining how many of the characters of Into the Beautiful North were based on real people and his own life experiences. A master storyteller, he kept the audience captivated with his narrative style and a wonderful sense of humor.
Everyone at the auditorium filled at full capacity couldn’t have enough of his amusing stories, from anecdotes about his aunts and friends, to the saga of his grandmother trying to smuggle a little parakeet across the border, all the way to his views about immigration.
“I really feel that it’s about reconciliation as human beings. That doesn’t mean give up our sovereignty, it doesn’t mean I love ilegal immigration, because I think it’s a horrible thing, it hurts people, but I understand some of the motivations. And I thought if I wrote a book like this, it would be a little subversive. If I can make people root for folk that they tend to look down on, or actually dislike, that ‘s kind of an interesting thing. So it’s a spiritual quest for me…”
Mr. Urrea is keeping a tight schedule during his 3-day visit, talking at RIT, University of Rochester, Monroe Community College and other venues. Most events are open to the public, free of charge, some require advanced registration, but you still may have time to catch up one of his presentations.
Don’t miss the opportunity to meet and listen to Mr. Urrea. Check the complete schedule at Writers and Books website and take a friend with you!
Photos by Kelly T. Mullaney.