The ATHENA Awards is brought to you by the Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce and its affiliate the Women’s Council.
The ATHENA Award® actively supports and celebrates the ATHENA mission of supporting, developing and honoring achievements of exceptional women leaders, inspiring women to reach their full potential—creating balance in leadership worldwide. The ATHENA Award® honors individuals who strive toward the highest levels of personal and professional accomplishment, who excel in their chosen field, devote time and energy to their community in a meaningful way, and forge paths of leadership for other women to follow.
To nominate an exceptional woman or women, click here. Deadline for Submission: September 28, 2018.
Celebrate the 33rd Annual Athena International Awards
Thursday, January 24th, 2019
5 to 6:30pm – General Reception and Business Showcase
7 to 8:30pm – ATHENA Awards Dinner Celebration
Rochester Riverside Convention Center
123 E Main St, Rochester, NY 14604
For more information about the Athena Award, click here.