RHBA will award two scholarships of $650 each to Hispanic students who enroll in the Emergency Medical Technician Course at Monroe Community College (Public Safety Training Center on Scottsville Road). RHBA hopes that people in the community will take advantage of this opportunity because there is a pressing need to have Hispanic emergency medical technicians.
– The cost of the training is $1,300, so the scholarship covers 50% of such cost.
– The course is twelve weeks long.
– Students receive certification from the NYS Department of Health
– Students receive six credit hours (It is the only college-bearing EMT course in Monroe County.)
– Credits can be applied to other programs (Fire Protection Technology, A.A.S degree in Paramedics and other health career fields.)
– Employment is readily available upon obtaining certification (Data shows that they may get a starting salary of $30,000 in the city and higher in the suburbs.)
– The next course will start at the end of May (summer course)
– Students must be 18 years old to apply and be able to read and write.
RHBA will select the scholarship awardees among those Hispanics who apply.
For more information and how to apply, those interested may contact Lauri Ruiz at 753-3716 (lruiz9@monroecc.edu), or Sue Morono at 753-3711 (smorono@monroecc.edu)