Our special guests for March is Miguel Millan, owner of 101 Mobility Rochester.
Mr. Millan has over 10 years of experience in the medical field and works with aging and disabled patients to identify which home health care devices best suit their needs and provide them the freedom to live self-sufficiently in their own homes. His company 101 Mobility offers mobility products for residential as well as commercial use at businesses, schools, hospitals, rehab clinics, government complexes and anywhere that has public access.
Some of the suggested topics we can talk with Mr. Millan during lunch meeting are:
- How changes in the law related with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) can affect business owners, if their businesses should be ADA compliant.
- Tips on how businesses can save thousands of dollars when it comes to making your business ADA compliant in cost effective ways before you are fined and required by law.
Limited seats available.
Date(s) - 03/19/2013
11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Monte Alban Mexican Grill - Irondequoit
845 East Ridge Rd
Rochester, New York 14621